Monday, March 4, 2013

Can't Send Your Kid to Flordia for Spring Training?

When my kids were younger, there was no place in the area where they could practice baseball in the off season. By the time the weather got nice enough to practice outdoors, the season began. In 2007, my buddy, Jim Price changed all of that by opening Bash Sport Academy. Jim is a long time Welles Park Youth Baseball guy, who served as president of the WPPA for four years. Bash has a large staff of professional instructors but is also a great place to take some swings and throw the ball around.
Jim Price

Check out Bash's website

Friday, March 1, 2013

Umpire Training Starts Wednesday March 6th.

Umpire training for Welles Park Youth Baseball starts this coming Wednesday, March 6th at 7:00pm. Training will be held this year at the West Rogers Park JCC located at 3003 W. Touhy (corner of Touhy and Sacramento. The first three sessions (Wednesdays March 6, 13, 20) will be held at the WRPJCC and the fourth session Wednesday March 27th will be held at time and place to be announced. If you or someone you know would like to take the training please to for more information or call me at 773-719-5985.